Eco Sanitizer
7 items


1 Gallon - Sterikleen Hard Surface Di...


Description: Sterikleen is a virucidal disinfectant solution that is ready-to-use, concentrated, food safe, multi-purpose, mildly alkaline detergent engineered to effectively treat a wide variety o...

Eco Sanitizer

Sanitizing Wipes


Description: Sanitizing Wipes - 100 wipe count, are made with 70% alcohol that is safe, and effective, for use on hands, surface areas, and glass.   Directions: Adults 18 years and Older: For occas...

Eco Sanitizer

SteriWipes - Virucidal Disinfectant &...


Description: 160 Wipe Count - SteriWipes- Virucidal Disinfectant Cleaning and Sanitizing Wipes that kill viruses and bacteria on hard surfaces and helps control numerous pathogens that can cause il...

Eco Sanitizer

Mini Fogger Mister – 1 L Capacity


Overview Convenient and portable automatic mister that provides a continuous spray without having to keep a finger on the nozzle. Its premium copper adjustable spout that is rotatable for a straigh...


Case Size - SteriKleen Hard Surface D...

$150.00 $177.52

Case Size: 4 x 1 Gallon SteriKleen Hard Surface Disinfectant Description: SteriKleen is a virucidal disinfectant solution that is ready-to-use, concentrated, food safe, multi-purpose, mildly alkali...


SteriWipes (18 Pack) - Virucidal Disi...

$399.00 $449.82

Case Size: 18 SteriWipes x 160 Sheets Description: 160 Wipe Count per item - SteriWipes- Virucidal Disinfectant Cleaning and Sanitizing Wipes that kill viruses and bacteria on hard surfaces and hel...

Eco Sanitizer

Eco Wipes Bundle - Sanitizing Wipes C...

$100.00 $120.00

Case Size: 12 Containers X 100 Wipe Count   Description: Sanitizing Wipes - 100 wipe count, are made with 70% alcohol that is safe, and effective, for use on hands, surface areas, and glass.   Dire...

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